VIDEO Journal | Blog Introduction

image1Note: this is an ongoing VIDEO Journal | Blog on the "hidden" side of our government.  There are a LOT of images and links that link to very good "Full Length" informative videos.  There are over 100 hours of excellent videos on this web site alone.  The videos are intriguing, fascinating and help put everything in to perspective (each video is tagged with its length).   Keep checking back for new videos along with  added text, articles, and additional resources.   Here is a sample of the video quality.

<= Click on images - most images lead to videos!

*** Notice ***
I decided to replace my original Home page with a new one with several short videos to get the conspiracy point across.  I also took off the fancy header so the web site would run faster.  If you want to see why I started this web site please go here: original introductory page .

*** Notice ***
To appreciate what the few "Elites" have done to our country, you might want to look at Our National Debt (second menu) , before continuing with the rest of the front page.

aaron-russo-nick-rockefeller the-new-world-order-is-here
Aaron Russo And Nick Rockefeller [2:38] This is the longer version of the video to the left.  The New World Order is Here! [10:00]

NBC-news-clip RFID-chip-implanted
NBC News on the RFID clip [2:22] Do it yourself RFID Implant [2:59]

I like what Aaron Russo has to say.  Originally I set his videos aside, not sure of his credentials.  But with all the information I have gathered, over the past several months,  his message always seems to ring true.  I think he was genuine in trying to get the "truth" out.  To see more of Aaron Russo and his full length videos please follow these links:
Reflections And Warnings - An Interview With Aaron Russo
Aaron Russo : America: Freedom to Fascism-Full Length

Economic Hitmen

john-perkinsI like the interviews with John Perkins, about his books:   Confessions of an Economic Hitman (2004) [53:35] and The Secret History of the American Empire (2007) [28:02] because it clearly spells out what the United States has been doing to "third world" countries, and to ourselves, under the control of "corporatocracy" manipulating our government.  More of John Perkins speeches can be found here.
pdf-icon Confession Economic Hitman (check out this crude copy of his book, but then please buy the book).

Cost of the War on Terrorism

Our tillion dollar+ cost of the war-on-terror:


pdf-icon The Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Other Global War on Terror Operations Since 9/11

New | One World Order Diagram

We elect politicians on a regular basis, so in theory we are in charge of The Powers That Be (TPTB). But if that's really so, why is the will of the people not being carried out by TPTB? Why are things so royally messed up, regardless of which political party is in charge at the moment? The simple explanation is that the usual definition of The Powers That Be (TPTB) is grossly incomplete.

If you want to know who really runs things in the world, check out the diagram of The Powers That Be below. In general, the higher on the chart that an entity appears, the more powerful it is in relationship to other entities.  Notice that we are at the bottom... not really connected to the rest of the plan!

See original source: GrinningPlanet.

NWO Diagram

To see more about the "New World Order" please follow this link: New World Order , and ALL of the submenus.

North American Union (NAU)

To see more about the "North American Union" please follow this link: North American Union (NAU).

Top Secret America

who are these men?Note: before you delve into the conspiracy stuff you might want to take a look at "Top Secret America".  I started out with this topic because it was written by "main stream" journalist at the Washington Post, and has support of PBS: FrontLine.  The subject is dear to my heart... "where is all the stimulus money REALLY going?  I believe it was 800 billion?  Or was it 2 trillion? Or, maybe 8 trillion dollars! What are these guys doing to our country!

Notice: I noticed that some of the videos don't necessarily start up right away, or sometimes the longer videos  can jump back to the beginning. If this happens to you just click on the progress bar a little further along, or where you want to start up from, and hit the play button again.

Thanks for your understanding.

Notice: If you don't find the video you want by browsing, try the Site Map, or better yet try the Search box. Use non-plural words that best describes what you want to find, i.e. you want to find videos on 911, 2012, Mayan culture, environment.  Type "911" or "conspiracy" or "environment"  (without the quote marks) into the Search box. See what you find.  You might be surprised.

If you need a break

crop-circlesIf you get over whelmed by the videos above and want something lighter to look at, look at the "Our Universe" videos or listen to some of the "Playing for Change"  music in the last menu.  I also found the crop circles fascinating! I have to admit, the two drunken English men with a stick and string, sure have an artistic flare.  I don't think I could have kept a straight line.

01.31.2011. 06:47

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