911 Revisited
or a False Flag, a Modern Pearl Harbor
I tried to pick out one or two videos that exemplified my doubts around 911, that is "how can two buildings collapse so perfectly into their own foot print"? It just seemed too unreal, and now I understand it has never happened before, and not only that but there was a third building, building 7, that did the same thing 7 hour later! Well, I decided ALL the videos had to be posted.
You should especially look at the videos concerning building 7. What were the people who were responsible for the 911 tragedy smoking. How could they ever think we would believe that building 7 came down on it own? Silverstein Properties made 7 Billion dollars on the 9/11 tragedy! A tidy profit from the 15 million he spent for them.
9/11 Commission Report & Other Resources
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11_Commission_Report
Full 9/11 Commission Report: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/911/pdf/fullreport.pdf
Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth: http://www.ae911truth.org/
Pilots for 911 Truth: http://pilotsfor911truth.org
Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice: http://stj911.org/
9-11 Research: http://911research.wtc7.net/
9-11 Review: http://www.911review.com/
Families for 911 | Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth
In Their Own Words the families of 911 (2007) [1:54:09] | Blueprint for Truth-The Architecture of Destruction [1:51:55] |
More Current 911 Documentaries
102 Minutes That Changed America (2008) [1:59:54] | 9/11 Revisited [1:21:50] |
Investigations into 911
Loose Change [2:09:55] |
Fabled Enemies [1:42:17 ] |
Truth Rising [1:43:39 ] |
9/11 Secrets Revealed [2:49:19] |
ZERO An Investigation Into 9/11 [1:44:55] |
911 Documentary - Core of Corruption 2009 [2:27:40] |
And then there was Building 7?
World Exclusive: WTC7 Survivor Barry Jennings Account!! [7:29] | |
9/11 Truth: What Happened to Building 7 [9:00] |
Parts of the Twin Towers appear to just vaporize
Watch the columns at the right. There were 48 columns in the inner core of the WTC towers, which were 4 feet wide and 6 inches thick of solid steel, and they just vaporize??
WTC Steel Column Spire Turns to Dust on 9/11 | CNN News : 24 | |
Exercises that were being run on or around 9/11!
Vigilant Guardian
Northern Vigilance
Northern Guardian
Crown Vigilance
Vigilant Warrior
Global Guardian
Apollo Guardian
Amalgam Warrior
Amalgam Virgo
Timely Alert II
NRO Plane Crash Drill
Operation Northern Watch
01.29.2011. 16:43