Whistle Blowers, Heroes, and Inspirational people
I have really gotten into the history of this whole "shadow government" thing. Some of these contemporary historians (see below) have been researching the topic for over 50 years.
Heros - Whistle Blowers
John Perkins (retired EHM)
Web site: http://www.johnperkins.org/
Economic Hit Man [53:35]
The Secret History of the American Empire [28:02]
John Perkins on Globalization [52:00]
John Perkins - The Secret History of the American Empire [1:24:24]
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Michael Ruppert (retired policeman)
Web site: http://www.collapsenet.com/
The Truth And Lies Of 911 - Michael Ruppert (2004) [2:23:59]
Collapse (Documentary) - Michael Ruppert [1:33:20]
Prophets of Doom We are facing many serious issue all at once History Channel [1:30:00]
CrossingTheRubicon.pdf ...read this crude copy then please buy the book.
Webster Tarpley (historian)
Web site: http://tarpley.net/
Webster Tarpley: Gulino Interview [58:39]
Webster Tarpley: Facing the Truth about 9/11 - Part2 [1:29:38]
Tarpley : US and the geopolitical situation in the World : 2007 [1:03:21]
Tarpley: Connect The Dots, Recent Events A Warning To New Congress [1:08:10]
Webster Tarpley: The men behind Barack Obama Part 1 [], Part 2 []
Webster Tarpley: the geopolitical goals of the Anglo-American Empire in Afghanistan Pakistan Iran
Peak Oil Fraud by Webster Tarpley [28:17]
Naomi Wolf (Writer)
Web site: http://americanfreedomcampaign.com/
Interview - Naomi Wolf - The End of America [29:36]
Ray McGovern (retired CIA)
Web site:
Ray McGovern on the Corruption of U.S Intelligence [52:33]
Interview - Ray McGovern - Obama, Afghanistan and Iraq [28:49]
Eustace Mullins (Historian)
Web site:
Eustace Mullins - The Magical Money Machine [48:08]
Eustace Mullins - The New World Order [58:20]
Eustace Mullins - Zionist Banksters & The New World Order [1:38:41]
Ted Gunther (retired FBI)
Web site: http://www.tedgunderson.net
Ted Gunderson - The Franklin Coverup Investigations [38:11]
Conspiracy Of Silence - Franklin Cover Up (Discovery Channel 1993) [59:52]
The Franklin Cover-Up - John DeCamp [41:44]
The Franklin Scandal-Johnny Gosch [9:36]
Noam Chomsky
04.26.2011. 13:06